homeward bound

So, I have discovered a singer-songwriter called Kristene Mueller and my life will never be the same again. She puts words to some of my deepest feelings – it’s amazing! I need to actually meet this person who knows exactly what is going on inside my head and heart (and it’s really complicated in there, I can tell you), and can describe it and sing about it beautifully to boot.

Homeward Bound, by Kristene Mueller

I will run, I will run this race
And I will do it all for love
Your love compels me, for your love controls my heart
And I just can’t, I cannot get away

So I will fight this good fight of faith
And I will do it all for love
You are my great reward, you’re so worth fighting for
And I can’t wait to see your face

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah


PS. This is definitely one of the busier weeks of my life so far – but somehow in the midst of it I am getting enough sleep, I am feeling sane, I have time to talk to my friends, and delicious things are getting accomplished well. Only by grace…

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